Back in 2005, Coaches Dominique Schuster, and Barbara Deliere created a program they never imagined would explode into a highly recognized and respected dance team in Western Pennsylvania. From humble...
Simmons Farms has been serving and growing agricultural products for over 100 years, along with selling their fresh and healthy produce daily. Their goal is to grow and sell a variety of produce to the...
Most students could not imagine the fall without Friday night lights. High school wouldn't be high school in America without experiencing school spirit in such an intense way. Freshman enter high school...
Lunchtime at Peters High School is more than just a break from classes; it’s a daily opportunity for students to connect, relax, and enjoy an anticipated meal. With three distinct lunch periods, each...
Exams, homework assignments, essays, after school sports and activities, work, time with friends - life for high school students can get quite busy. Stress is a normal emotion that arises in these busy...
Peters Township High School offers a variety of enjoyable clubs and activities, with the Horticulture Club being a popular choice. In this club, students learn about gardening, landscaping, and work on...